Doctors at Wellington Point

Shop 21, Floor 1, 685 Old Cleveland Road East, Wellington Point, QLD

Ph- 07- 3106 1270

South Kempsey Medical Centre

Suite 200, 35 Belgrave Street,  Kempsey NSW 2440

Ph- 02-7228 5898


Very Efficient & Novel Circumcision method 

Teen Circumcision

Some parents are worried about the correct age of circumcision for boys. Many doctors perform circumcision for babies and infants, but not many doctors will perform circumcision in young boys and teenagers. This ZSR Circumcision technique is used for all ages, and it is a very safe & efficient procedure.

If you have a newborn boy and plan to have him circumcised, we encourage you to book an appointment as soon as possible, as it is better to have circumcision earlier in your child’s life.

  • Male Teenager with His Mother — Brisbane, QLD — Sunshine Circumcision Centre

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There are no age restrictions for circumcision. Our clients include a wide range of ages from infants to seniors.

Should your older boy or teenage son require circumcision, or if you are a youth seeking more information, we encourage you to explore more details available on our website and kindly contact us for an initial consultation.

It can be quite challenging for young boys to understand. The parents must discuss about circumcision procedure with their kids and boost their morale so they can easily cope with the surgery and help relieve their anxiety during the procedure. Forewarned is forearmed.

Circumcision procedure for the teens

The procedure steps are the same for all ages.

  • The procedure is done under strict aseptic precautions. Local anesthetics are used to numb the foreskin. 
  • Once adequate anesthesia is achieved, the ZSR circumcision procedure is done.
  • Once the Adolescents Circumcision surgery is done, the effect of anaesthesia will slowly ware off, and some discomfort will be felt first few days. This can be prevented by taking regular paracetamol/nurofen and can apply ice to the area.
  • It is adviced to rest first 2-3 days post operatively. Certain physical activities like running, swimming, sports, heavy lifting etc must be avoided until the ring falls off. Doing regular activities, or going back to school shouldnt be a problem. 
  • Once the healing process is progressing well and no pain or discomfort, these activities could be slowly introduced. 

We would love to hear from you! Call or text us on 0421 052 576.

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